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Дай ему дюйм, он и весь локоть (45 дюймов) отхватит // УступИ кому-то немного, он потребует ещё больше.

Crowned heads may not have had the sense to keep their crowns but they were evidently not too stupid to realize that give Lady Montdore an inch and she would take an eU. (Mitford)

Several boys laughed out loud and а few girls grinned, but this amusement was short-lived. Miss Thomton was а firm believer in the theory that if а child were given an inch, Ье would rapidly take the proverbial mile, so, although it was Friday afternoon and she was very tired, she restored quick order to her room. (Metalious)

Big Lannie did something she had never done before ; she begged her employer . .. When Mrs. Ewing understood, she was, she said, surprised. She had, she said, а great, great many demands on her charity, and she would have supposed that Big Lanny, of all people, might have known that she did everything she could, in fact, а good deal more. She spoke about inches and еlls. (Parker)

You have to keep these fellows in their place, don't you know. У ou have to work the good old iron-hand-in-the-velvetglove wheeze. Н you give them а what's-its-name, they take а thingnmmy. ( Wodehouse)